accurate pathology tests

Accurate pathology tests

In this article, we discuss how to obtain accurate pathology tests. Whilst this article is not meant to serve as a diagnostic tool, it may be helpful to better understand what basic pathology tests are useful and how to prepare yourself so you get the most accurate results.

Pathology test results should always be considered in conjunction with symptoms, a thorough physical examination, and discussed during an appointment so that the context and relevance of your results can be determined. One abnormality in pathology tests does not tell much of your health picture, however, patterns of pathology tests can provide a holistic picture of your overall health, your absorption, and digestion of key nutrients and provide warning signs that require further investigation.


Your GP or naturopath can arrange pathology tests for you. Exactly which pathology tests you require, will need to be determined by your healthcare practitioner. As a good starting point, I suggest the following tests for my patients:

*Full blood count and hematology- provides a general picture of your immune system, red blood cells and overall health

*Liver function tests (LFTs)- provide some clues as to how your liver is working and if your liver is under stress.

*Electrolytes– including potassium, sodium, and other key electrolytes required for sports performance and optimal health

*Fasting blood glucose- is a general marker that indicates how well your body is modulating your blood sugar. Issues with blood sugar stabilisation may cause symptoms such as sugar cravings, frequent urination, fatigue, and energy drops after meals.

*C- reactive protein (CRP) is an inflammatory marker that is useful when interpreted in conjunction with iron studies. Iron storage may be impacted by states of high inflammation.

*Iron studies- provides information on your iron storage (ferritin), the protein carriers for iron (transferrin), and how effectively your body is saturating these carriers and transporting iron around your body (transferrin saturation).

*Thyroid hormones- TSH, T3 and T4 provide information on how your thyroid is functioning and can be an early warning sign of autoimmunity and nutrient deficiencies such as iodine, selenium, tyrosine and zinc

*Vitamin B12 ( active and inactive) is also suggested for plant-based patients or athletes who infrequently consume red meat.

*If you are prone to mental health issues (especially seasonal sadness/ low mood), autoimmunity, frequent colds, bone health issues, or hormonal imbalances vitamin D, copper and serum zinc may also be useful markers.

Tests may be repeated every few months to ensure a patient is responding to treatment and improving nutrient absorption through targeted nutrition approaches.

How to get the most accurate pathology tests

To get the most out of your pathology tests, it is recommended your prepare appropriately.


  •  fast for 12-16 hours (have dinner and then postpone breakfast until after your blood draw).


  • strenuous exercise for a minimum of 24 hours. Ideally, at least 48 hours if possible.  This includes running, cycling, or strength training. Most patients find it easiest to do a blood test the morning after a rest day.
  • obtaining the blood draw when feeling unwell such as with a cold or flu when checking iron studies as infection may influence your test results
  • alcohol or supplements for 24-48 hours prior to your blood tests

We use a number of pathology collection centres across Australia including Clinical Laboratories, Dorevitch, and Nutripath to obtain accurate pathology results. We also refer to functional testing such as mineral testing completed through Interclinical Laboratories.


About the Author: Kate Smyth is a Sports naturopath, nutritionist and female-centric running coach. She is the founder of the Athlete Sanctuary- a holistic healthcare clinic for athletes of all levels and sporting codes. Kate has a thirst for knowledge with two bachelor’s and a master’s degree under her belt. She has been involved in sports for many decades and competed for Australia in the Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games marathons with a personal best time of 2 hours 28 minutes. For more information visit