
Mineral testing for athletes

Mineral and heavy metal testing

Mineral and heavy metal testing can help to gain a better understanding of what metals may be impacting on health and what minerals are required to increase to enhance performance and overall health. Optimal nutritional balance is essential for the function of every cell and system in your body.  Obtaining feedback on mineral absorption is …

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contraception options

Contraception options- friend or foe?

We aim to equip women with a balanced perspective so they can make an informed choice about contraception options and what they put into their bodies. We in no way suggest women should come off their medications without due consideration. We also don’t shy away from the fact that there is a dark side to …

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Blood sugar

Blood sugar- 5 ways to keep it stable

To keep your energy sustained, it is important to maintain blood sugar control. Natural blood sugar control is possible when done correctly and with professional guidance and supervision. When individuals fail to fuel themselves properly, they may experience reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or dysglycaemia (abnormal blood sugar levels) with an exaggerated insulin response. As …

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