
contraception options

Contraception options- friend or foe?

We aim to equip women with a balanced perspective so they can make an informed choice about contraception options and what they put into their bodies. We in no way suggest women should come off their medications without due consideration. We also don’t shy away from the fact that there is a dark side to …

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Blood sugar

Blood sugar- 5 ways to keep it stable

To keep your energy sustained, it is important to maintain blood sugar control. Natural blood sugar control is possible when done correctly and with professional guidance and supervision. When individuals fail to fuel themselves properly, they may experience reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or dysglycaemia (abnormal blood sugar levels) with an exaggerated insulin response. As …

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Optimise recovery

Optimise recovery across the menstrual cycle

The amino acid leucine is of particular importance to female athletes keen to optimise recovery across the menstrual cycle. Leucine is one of the nine essential amino acids the body needs to obtain through the diet. Leucine along with other amino acids, are required for protein synthesis, tissue repair and nutrient absorption. The demand for …

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green tea

Green tea over coffee

Green tea is just one of several teas beneficial for athletes. Packed in antioxidants, green tea is considered to have the highest polyphenol and therapeutic effects because it remains unoxidised during processing, where-as the other tea leaves are oxidised. Green, black and oolong tea is produced from the same plant Cameliia sinensis but their taste, …

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Iodine and thyroid hormones

Iodine and thyroid hormones for sports performance

Thyroid hormones perform many key functions in the human body including regulation of body temperature, metabolism and play an important role in how an athlete creates and uses energy. Athletes are at risk of deficiency of key thyroid nutrients such as iodine, due to loss via sweating. Thyroid function can also be impacted by many other issues such as endocrine disrupting toxins, chemicals and heavy metals in the environment and go onto effect other areas of the body such as reproductive hormone dysregulation. Find out how to support your thyroid in this guide.