
iron and energy production

Iron and energy production

Iron and energy production are integral to sports performance. When it comes to physical performance, many female athletes find themselves caught between balancing dietary preferences and ensuring that iron intake is adequate. This is particularly the case for plant-based athletes or athletes with limited intake of red meat. Intense physical exertion increases the body’s need …

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energy boosting herbs

Four energy boosting herbs

As interest in herbal medicines is increasing among athletes, we thought we’d share some insights from recently published medical journals on energy boosting herbs. The area of sports performance and sports products can be confusing but by sharing evidence-based information, we hope to create greater awareness and empower you to make informed decisions. Please keep …

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Blood sugar

Blood sugar- 5 ways to keep it stable

To keep your energy sustained, it is important to maintain blood sugar control. Natural blood sugar control is possible when done correctly and with professional guidance and supervision. When individuals fail to fuel themselves properly, they may experience reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or dysglycaemia (abnormal blood sugar levels) with an exaggerated insulin response. As …

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